Join Ruhnau Clarke Architects at the CASH 37th Annual Conference on School Facilities. 

Featured Events:
Monday, February 22
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Room 303 

Roger Clarke will be joining Lindsay Currier, Riverside County Office of Education, for: Special Education In the Classroom: Designing for and Serving All Students


Every student deserves to have a great education, including students with special needs! Last year, we explored opportunities to maximize integration of all our students in the least restrictive environment, with a focus on integrating special education classrooms onto our school sites. This year, we follow up that successful workshop with a look inside the four walls of the classroom. Come hear about the benefits of universal design, which strives for inclusive rather than separate spaces, by taking a holistic approach to housing both students with and without special needs. This approach encourages schools to have at least one classroom with universal features that could be used by the entire student population. Explore how to apply the tenets of 21st Century learning environments to spaces for our special education students, and hear about the benefits of NextGen furniture and equipment for a variety of special education student designations. Join us as we explore ways to make all our sites more inclusive and welcoming for all student populations.


Monday, February 22
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
10:00 am to Noon
1:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Trade Show
Visit Ruhnau Clarke Architect's trade show booth to learn more about our services, projects and meet our team.

Tuesday, February 23
0:15 am to 11:30 am 

Peggy Reyes joins Alice Grundman (Eric Hall and Associates) and Jessica Mears (Santa Ana Unified School District) for roundtable planning.