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What Makes Great Schools?

What Makes Great Schools?

This year at the CSBA Trade Show, we asked participants to help us discover shared values for quality education in California by taking part in the creation of a data map. Through this visual language, they shared what they valued in delivering quality education to students.

Is your school designed for student safety?

Is your school designed for student safety?

In response to the numerous tragedies related to school shootings, our design team collaborated to understand how they can design safer schools for students and staff while keeping the focus on student learning outcomes.

Bridging the Gap Between Design and Construction

Bridging the Gap Between Design and Construction

Architects aren’t builders. They are visionaries, dreamers, and thinkers. And that’s exactly what we want them to be. Experts in their craft that help clients uncover possibilities by using their insights to craft a vision. They put countless hours into designing buildings that perfectly fit the owners’ needs—and just as much time should go into guaranteeing it gets build according to those specifications.

VR: A Window into a New World

VR: A Window into a New World

A Window into a New World

Once a decade a new technology is created that revolutionizes the architecture and design industry. Virtual reality (VR) is such a tool.

Using the advanced motion and positioning sensors inside a smartphone, VR headsets have the ability to transport the viewer to another world. This ability to "be there in person" has been used for everything from video games to heavy-industry training.

At Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke Architects, we are exploring how VR can not only be a tool for us as architects but also school administrators and educators. Many of our clients carry the extra burden of planning for facilities that will house students for decades and influence a generation’s perception of learning. It is then imperative that they understand the scale and affects of a design and how a facility will operate.


Tools of the Trade


Indio High School Auditorium

Designed by Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke, the J. Roderick Basehore Theatre at Indio High School is a premier location for musical and theatrical performances.  


This immersive VR experience was created to showcase the spectacularJ. Roderick Basehore Theatre at Indio High School. By blending real-world footage with immersive sound effects, music, and simple motion graphics, the viewer begins to appreciate the quality of the building and it's role in advancing the arts.

To get the full experience watch the video below on a smartphone or iPad using the Youtube app. The video will appear in 3D, allowing you to move your device around and view the theater from any angle. 



Creating the immersive VR experience for Roderick Basehore Theatre at Indio High School is just the beginning for Ruhnau Ruhnau Clarke. As we move forward with this technology, our focus is on how it may improve our client's needs to understand a facility ahead of time and have access to the information to make the best decisions. 


10-ish Things I Learned While at Dwell On Design LA 2016 #DODLA

10-ish Things I Learned While at Dwell On Design LA 2016 #DODLA

  1. DWELL is more than just a showcase for home furniture.
  2. There was only one architecture firm there. Pretty Surprising.
  3. The whole event was a cross between creative designers, artisans, and innovators.
  4. Designers today focus beyond functional spaces and beautiful objects. They also design lifestyles of comfortability and conveniency.
  5. The vendors promoted their products well and were not pushy about selling them.
  6. A couple of vendors brought in equipment to show how their products are made including a loom machine and a leather monogramming device.
  7. Other vendors provided iPads and computer stations for online store browsing.
  8. Visitors were able to interact directly with all products at the convention.
  9. DWELL provided play areas for kids using products created by the vendors.
  10. They really needed to place their free tote bags closer to the entrance because we like free stuff and it’s the first thing we should see.
  11. DWELL teamed up with IMM COLOGNE this year: an international tradeshow based in Cologne, Germany allowing for the convention to showcase works from around the world.
  12. Today’s market allows for individual-based businesses to soar.
  13. There was a VR Lounge! We saw a kid become a true fruit ninja!
  14. There was also a Tiny House, shipping container, and a 2 story prefab home with a living wall at the venue. One of them held a live cooking show to promote kitchen appliances… but food :(
  15. There seemed to be heated cast stone benches everywhere and a Prius in every corner (I’m sort of exaggerating).
  16. I got news that we missed out on an infamous Beer Garden…
  17. I would go again!
Fluid Stance makes a wood and metal balance board for more active desk work

Fluid Stance makes a wood and metal balance board for more active desk work

Galanter and Jones (Heated outdoor furniture)

Galanter and Jones (Heated outdoor furniture)

Koncept (Lighting Design)

Koncept (Lighting Design)

Written by Jennifer Nguyen

Integrating Technology

Integrating Technology

Schools have traditionally been quick to incorporate emerging technologies.

Matter: Concrete

Matter: Concrete

Each material has its specific characteristics which we must understand if we want to use it … This is no less true of steel and concrete [than of wood, brick, and stone].

Matter: Glazing

Matter: Glazing

Matter: Something that is being done, talked about, or thought about, that occupies space and can be perceived by one or more senses.