After a full year of hard work from students and mentors alike, May 9th marked the 6th annual graduation for ACE Mentor Inland Empire. Students from Eisenhower, Etiwanda, Montclair, and Santiago High School programs gathered at the beautiful CVWD Frontier Project and presented their design projects before peers, family, and our vested industry partners.

Following presentations, ACE made the annual award to each of their graduating seniors of a $1000 scholarship. This should help each of them begin their higher education journey toward architecture, engineering, and construction fields of study. Beyond these scholarships, for the first time this year ACE was also able to award a $5000 scholarship to two additional students thanks to the HMC Designing Futures Foundation.

Each year, this proves to be a special evening where everyone involved can look back and be proud of their effort and contributions. Now as this year's program draws to a close, we are already looking ahead to another great year partnered with ACE!

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